Supercharge Software Testing with On Demand Jenkins Agents and Selenium Grid with Kubenetes

Maintaining a Stable Continuous Integration environment the traditional way requires a lot of work. It involves building an Army of Jenkins Agents, configuring them in a certain way (SDKs, Build and Runtime configuration etc.).

This is further complicated if you need to setup a platform for User Acceptance Testing (or Functional) which includes adding a Selenium Grid to your environment including the Hub and one or more Agents. And you will need to test against multiple Browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE) and multiple versions of them. Companies such as Perfecto, Sauce Labs and BrowserStack offer cloud based testing solutions. But if you an on premises solutions within the Enterprise, Jenkins Kubernetes plugin provides an elegant solution.

Here’s what we will accomplish with this tutorial

  • Install Minikube
  • Helm & Tiller
  • Jenkins
    • Kubernetes plugin
  • Jenkins pipeline project
    • Create an on Demand Jenkins Agent*
    • Selenium Grid & Selenium Nodes for testing*

*Resources are destroyed after use.


  • Windows 7/10/Linux/MacOS
  • Chocolatey for Windows or an equivalent package manager such as Brew, APT etc.

Install Minikube

On Windows,

choco install minikube

Follow this guide for instructions on other Operating Systems

Run Minikube

minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192

Run the Minikube Dashboard

minikube dashboard

The dashboard provides a GUI to view and manage Kubernetes resources.

Setup Networking for Minikube

minikube tunnel

Install and Initialize Helm & Tiller

choco install kubernetes-helm

For other OSes, follow these instructions

Install Jenkins

Save the following as jenkins.yaml

    - kubernetes:1.15.5
    - htmlpublisher:1.18
    - workflow-aggregator:2.6
    - workflow-job:2.32
    - credentials-binding:1.18
    - git:3.12.0
    - greenballs:1.15
    - role-strategy:2.9.0
    - locale:1.4 
 helm install --name jenkins -f jenkins.yaml stable/jenkins

Jenkins login credentials can be found on the Pod description page on the Minikube Dashboard

Jenkins IP address can be found in the “Services” tab.

Setup a Jenkins Pipeline Project

Login to Jenkins and create a new Pipeline project

Add the following the the “Script” section

Build the project. Jenkins will create a temporary (dynamic) agent including an instance of Selenium Hub and each instances of Chrome and Firefox.

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