DTS Basics (Defense Travel System)

As a soldier, you might have to travel on Orders for training among other things. DTS isn’t exactly known for intuitiveness in terms of User Experience (UX) but they do try. Here’s a brief introduction to DTS covering some select topics.

Let’s first understand the some of the terminology

Temporary Duty (TDY Authorization)

A DTS authorization captures information regarding an upcoming TDY (locations, should-cost estimates, and travel information). Essentially, the authorization is a means of informing everyone who needs to know when you* will be gone, where you will be working, and how much you expect your trip to cost.


A voucher is a claim for reimbursement of actual expenses you* incurred and payment of allowances you
earned while you were TDY. When you create a voucher in DTS, the system populates it with information from your approved DTS authorization

Local Voucher

A local voucher is a claim for reimbursement for expenses you incurred and allowances you earned while
conducting official business in the local area near your* Permanent Duty Station

A local voucher is a stand-alone document you may only submit after you complete your official duty. Therefore, you may not project expenses or estimate allowances on a local voucher. Instead, only enter actual amounts.

How do you use DTS for an upcoming trip on Orders?

Before the travel date (as early as possible):

  • Make sure that your GOV Travel Card is issued, activated, assigned to the right unit and have the necessary credit limits to cover costs for the travel. Use of the GOV Travel Card is mandatory. Work with your DTS admin on these tasks.
  • Create an Authorization by clicking on the “Create New Document” button and select “Routine TDY Trip”.
  • Follow the guide here to make your reservations.
  • Your DTS admin and the chain of approvers will either approve or will work with you to make the necessary changes. Reservations have to be confirmed before making the trip.
  • Within 5 days after returning from the trip, click on the “Create New Document” button. Now select “Voucher” and then follow the guide here to claim your reimbursements.

Select “Routine TYD Trip

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